Wk 13 — Essay 2 — Art
Art is really anything that you want it to be. It can stimulate your senses in either a positive or a negative way. At the beginning of the semester, this is what I have thought of art. It has been something that has always played a part in my life. My idea of art has not changed greatly however, it has broadened to include many more things. I have realized art is much more than what we see or hear. Now to me art really is anything that brings meaning to whoever creates it and whoever visualizes it. One quote that we hear often is “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” which applies to art very well. To one person an art form could look absolutely disgusting but to another person it can be beautiful and hold a lot of meaning.
My current major is Nursing which has been a career path that I wanted to pursue. I feel that there is so much that can be down with art in nursing. Nursing is such a large field that allows you to interact with everyone from different walks of life. One way that art can be incorporated into this career is through color. Certain colors are meant to stimulate different emotions, and a great activity that involves art is drawing. It helps to bring out creativity and stimulate the mind, in both old and young people. In Children’s Hospitals we often see drawing and painting of cartoon figures that can help make the child feel more at ease and comfortable. It is also a good way to communicate with someone if they don’t want to talk.
Art is something that I absolutely love. In my house there are paintings. Another form of art that I am obsessed with currently is Bonsai trees. They are incredibly beautiful and bring such a calming and serene atmosphere to a room. It is incredible to see how the Japanese have mastered art in a living object and to me that is phenomenal. I love any crafts, scrapbooking, painting, upcycling, really anything that can be thought of I enjoy. The reason I love art so much is because it fills a piece inside of me that would otherwise be empty if it weren’t for the existence of art. Something as simple as a picnic date where we bring a canvas and paint anything you think of means so much to me. It is fascinating to be able to bond over something you don’t even talk to another person about. When painting you really are in your own world and you forget everything around you while you focus on painting and to me I find that wonderful.
My love and passion for art has always been there, so for me art is very important. It plays a major role in the happiness in feel. Without it I would feel empty as I am surrounded by it everyday. Anything that I do I try to make it appear presentable and look good, which involves creativity and art. If art, artists, and the artistic impulse just suddenly disappeared then the world would be so bland. It makes it hard for me to believe that the world could function without art. Without art there would be no infrastructure. Buildings are a form of art, but because of how common it is to see a rectangular structure many no longer consider it a form of art. The world without art would be so lifeless, everything would be the same and there would be no variation or creativity.
I agree with the slogan, “a great nation deserves great art” from the National Endowment for the Arts to a certain extent. I mainly agree with this statement because I believe every nation should be able to experience art. For every culture it can be so different. However the part about this statement that I don’t agree with is their decision to use the term great art. It is very unlikely that countries do not have art forms, so for them to say that “a great nation deserves great art” is implying that the art that the nation currently has or see, is not great, which is something that is rude, as it can be something that is amazing for another person.
This semester I got to do things that I normally would not set time aside to do. Art110 has allowed me to bring back my creative side and do something that I forgot how much I loved. After taking this class I feel that now I will try to set some time outside and create art. So I can fulfill my inner peace. I hope to be able to utilize art art with the career path that I have chosen.